Licensing & Contracting
Some states require agents be licensed and/or appointed to represent a carrier before they can solicit business or present sales illustrations to a consumer. Some states process appointment requests immediately on receipt while others may require more time. To avoid delays, please submit the appropriate appointment paperwork as soon as you anticipate doing business with a carrier.
Click here to email Kathy Nichols with any questions.
The Palmer Agency Appointment Forms
New! Simplified licensing procedure for all carriers!
This is a one-time process that will replace the need to resubmit your information for each new carrier appointment.
Complete The Sure LC ProcessIf you have already completed this process, click here to email Kathy Nichols to request an appointment for additional carriers.
Anti-Money Laundering training (AML)
Complete the AML TrainingE & O
We are committed to your career success. Our goal is to continually offer outstanding services that will help you build and protect your business
We are pleased to offer a competitively priced, comprehensive E & O program specifically tailored to you, the life insurance agent. No longer do you need to subject yourself to the confines of group sponsored E & O programs.
Errors & Omissions Program Enrollment